God has strange ways to accomplish something. His timing, His purpose, and the people He chooses to accomplish something is beyond human comprehension!
“In America we don’t worship government, we worship God!” – Donald Trump
LORD, I’m PROUD of my BOSS “Jesus Christ” because Jesus is beyond love! Donald Trump
Today, we have a choice to make that goes beyond politics—it’s about protecting the core of our faith and freedom. 🇺🇸 At the Inaugural National Faith Summit, @RealDonaldTrump shared why preserving religious liberty is critical to the future of this nation. Now it’s up to us. Hear his full message and let your voice be heard at the polls today!
Being Proud of Jesus Is Not A Sin! Donald Trump
Galatians 6:14, 1 Corinthians 1:31 – ” Let the one who boasts, boast in the LORD ….”
Donald Trump – I’m PROUD of Jesus because my BOSS Jesus is beyond love!
Elon Musk – I’m PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel, not ashamed because Jesus forgives Sinners!
Mark Zuckerberg – I’m PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel, not ashamed because Jesus is beyond Love!
Pope Francis– I’m PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel, not ashamed because Jesus is a model for social harmony!
Jeff Bezos – I’m PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel, not ashamed because every word that came of the lips of Jesus has a meaning!
Joel Osteen – I confess being PROUD of Jesus because Jesus preached living with others in peace and harmony!
…because Jesus is beyond love!
Love doesn’t necessarily breed Pride but Pride breeds love!