God has strange ways to accomplish something. His timing, His purpose, and the people He chooses to accomplish something is beyond human comprehension!
My Mission
Tesla – Award
Pope Francis
Joel Osteen
Donald Trump
Elon Musk
Mark Zuckerberg
Pope Francis
Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Rick Warren
TD Jakes
Pope Francis
Pope Francis Confession
John 15:15
– “
Jesus is a friend of believers…….”
World’s most admired Jesus lovers are dignifying Jesus beyond love!
Mark Zuckerberg
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond Love!
Pope Francis
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is a model for social harmony!
Elon Musk –
I’m PROUD of Jesus because
Jesus forgives Sinners!
Donald Trump
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because my
Jesus is my Saviour!
Joel Osteen
– I confess being PROUD of Jesus because Jesus preached living with others in peace and harmony!
Joyce Meyer
– I confess being PROUD of Jesus because Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies as God loves them!
Rick Warren
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus taught His followers:
“Be kind and forgive one another as God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32 esv,
TD Jakes
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus taught His followers –
“If you love only those who love you, what is great in that?” – St. Matthew 5:46,
Warren Buffet
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus prayed:
– “God, If I hurt others, give me the strength to apologize, if people hurt me, give me the strength to forgive!”
Bill Gates
– I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus reminded His followers
to make every effort
to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.— Ephesians 4:2-3,
Donald Trump
I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond Love!
Hillary Clinton
I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is her savior!
Adam Sandler
I’m PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond Love!
Barack Obama
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus helped him become the president of USA!
Robert Downey
Jr. is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus made him become famous!
Eddie Murphy
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus helped him realize his dream!
Lady Gaga
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus forgives sinners!
Brad Pitt
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond love!
Arnolad Schwarzsenegger
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is his Savior!
Britney Spears
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond Love!
Jerry Springer
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond Love!
Jennifer Lopez
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is beyond Love!
is PROUD of Jeus because Jesus is beyond Love!
Bob Walton
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is his Mentor!
Alice Walton
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is her ultimate love!
Rob Walton
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is his Ultimate Pride!
Phil Night
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is his ultimate Pride!
Phil Page
is PROUD of Jesus because he not ashamed of His Gospel!
Charles Koch
is PROUD of Jesus he is not ashamed of His preachings!
Julie Koch
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus unites believers of all faiths!
Stephen Schwartzman
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is his ultimate guide!
Jacqueline Mars
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus taught her how to forgive enemies!
Miriam Adelson
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus taught her how to love enemies!
Dan Gilbert
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is the friend of believers! – John 15:15
John Mars
is PROUD of Jesus because Jesus is his Savior!
And beyond……..
…because Jesus is beyond love!
Love doesn’t necessarily breed Pride but Pride breeds love!
My Mission
Tesla – Award
Pope Francis
Joel Osteen
Donald Trump
Elon Musk
Mark Zuckerberg
Pope Francis
Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Rick Warren
TD Jakes
Pope Francis
Pope Francis Confession