God has strange ways to accomplish something. His timing, His purpose, and the people He chooses to accomplish something is beyond human comprehension!
Mark Zuckerberg
Pope Francis
Donald Trump
Elon Musk
Abrahamic Brothers
Abrahamic Tower
Jesus Library
Jesus Lovers
Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Rick Warren
TD Jakes
TESLA – Award
John 15:15
“Jesus is a friend of believers
Being Proud of Jesus Is Not A Sin! TD Jakes
Because n
o one could maintain Christian or Catholic faith or claim to be a ‘true believer’ without being PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel.
Luke 9:26 – “Whoever is ashamed of me and my worlds…”
I pray that church leaders consider it as their duty to begin reminding believers to be proud of Jesus and His Gospel. TD Jakes
…because Jesus is beyond love!
Love doesn’t necessarily breed Pride but Pride breeds love!
Mark Zuckerberg
Pope Francis
Donald Trump
Elon Musk
Abrahamic Brothers
Abrahamic Tower
Jesus Library
Jesus Lovers
Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Rick Warren
TD Jakes
TESLA – Award