God has strange ways to accomplish something. His timing, His purpose, and the people He chooses to accomplish something is beyond human comprehension!
I was always PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel in my heart but was reluctant to admit it in public! Pope Francis
LORD, I seek forgiveness for overlooking the biblical significance of being Proud of Jesus and His Gospel! Pope Francis
I pray that church leaders would consider it as a divine duty to begin reminding believers to be PROUD of Jesus and His Gospel. Pope Francis
Luke 9:26 – “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words…”
Believers are PROUD of Jesus because…
Jesus prayed: LORD, if I hurt others, give me the strength to apologize, if people hurt me, give me the strength to forgive! – Ephesians 4:32
… because Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies as God loves them! – Matthew, chapter 5, verse 44
…because Jesus taught His followers: “ to be kind and forgive one another as God forgave you……” – Ephesians 4:32 esv,
…because Jesus taught His followers: “If you love only those who love you, what is great in that…” – St. Matthew 5:46,
…because Jesus is beyond love!
Love doesn’t necessarily breed Pride but Pride breeds love!